On this snowy morning, I decided to do an art project.
Cary's father, Troy, died nearly three years ago. At that time, I scanned a bunch of pictures and put them on two bulletin boards for the funeral. These were hanging in our office/craft room until I re-arranged everything the other day.
I had found an old movie poster board that had plexiglass but no frame, during my cleaning spree. I decided to make a nice collage out of Troy's pictures.
First, I trimmed the pictures with pinking shears, to class them up a little. Then I arranged them on the board, and after I got the design I wanted, I took a picture so I would remember where everything went. Then, I used a spray-on adhesive to glue the pictures down. That was a good idea, because I could still move them around and not have a big mess.
After the pictures were glued down, I took a black paint pen and outlined each photo with black dots. This was especially effective on the black and white photos that were touching each other because they stood out more.
I used black electrical tape to anchor the plexiglass to the picture board. It worked good and actually looks nice. I put two small nails underneath the bottom of the frame to help support the weight on the tape. If I had any clear tape for mailing packages left, I would have used that first and then put the electrical tape over the top for looks, but I think this will work fine.
I hung the collage by the front door, where that cupboard used to be. Notice the top right hand corner? I put Troy's obituary and the program from the funeral up there. The TROY lettering is actually a decal that Cary had made for the trucks at work. I just peeled of the backing and then used the black paint pen.
Ti-da! All done. And, Cary likes it.
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