
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lance Link:

When I was looking up pictures for the pink stingray bike the other day, I started thinking about things from the good ole' days.  I really did enjoy watching Lance Link on Saturday mornings.  I remember the song went something like this: "Lance Link, whatcha gunna think, oh, Lance Link!"  Do any of you guys remember that show?

It was a detective show about a chimpanzee named Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp who worked for the Agency to Protect Evil.  Here is a link to more info about the show, along with some videos:
"Lance Link, Secret Chimp"

Source: "Lance Link, Secret Chimp"

Source: "Lance Link, Secret Chimp"

Source: "Lance Link, Secret Chimp"

Source: "Lance Link, Secret Chimp"

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This is my friend Gwen.  I met her when she was 10 years old.   Gwen wanted to become a vet when she grew up, and she did.  Now she is one of my Facebook friends, and I follow her life through her posts.  I got these pictures off of Gwen's FB page.

Gwen loves going to Africa and working with the Maasai children.  She goes on teams from America, and serves with a group called Precious Life International.  You can read more about PLI and what Gwen does there in a letter she sent out to her friends and family last April, below.

When Gwen went to Africa last year, she met a baby boy named Pasha, who needed heart surgery.  Gwen raised awareness about his situation, and last week Pasha and his mother flew to New Orleans for the life saving medical treatment that he needed. 

Josephine holding Pasha

I am really proud of Gwen, and I wanted to highlight her today for her dedicated hard work, and for letting the Lord work through her.  Great job, Gwen, and God bless you!

"April, 2009

Dear friends and family-

As many of you know, I had the incredible opportunity to go to East Africa last fall with a medical team working with the Maasai people in Kenya and Tanzania. We worked through an organization called Precious Life International (PLI) This organization raises sponsors to support Maasai girls enabling them to be enrolled in school, providing them with choices for their futures and protection from early arranged marriages and cultural atrocities. Among its other functions, PLI also organizes water projects and medical teams in East Africa.

Last year it was unclear prior to the trip what my role would be on the team. It was amazing to see how God put the gifts of each person on the team to work! I ended up organizing the pharmacy and even doing some consulting with the nurses on treatment of diseases.

As many of you know, I fell in love with East Africa and the Maasai people. There is so much need there, but there is also joy, hope, faith, and humor. I have no doubt that working with the Maasai will be an ongoing part of my life, in whatever capacity God has in mind for me. I still hope to find a way to specifically use my veterinary training to serve in the future.

I plan to return again to East Africa later this year with another medical team, and have also been invited to help with a Maasai girls’ leadership camp. This camp brings in guests to speak to the girls about pursuing careers and following their passions and dreams. Not only would I get to spend the week with the Maasai girls, but Kanoi (the girl I sponsor) will be there, which would be a dream come true for me!

Several of you have chosen to sponsor Maasai girls since my return. Thank you so much! If anyone else is interested in sponsoring a girl, please let me know! There are many girls currently waiting for sponsors so they can stay in school.



The moon again last night ....

Pretty soon these trees will be covered in leaves, and I won't be able to take a peak at the moon from that cool vantage point.  I really like how these turned out.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Troy Matthews

Cheri, Darlene, Baby Gage, Troy and Garrett
August 2006

Troy Matthews

Three years ago today, my father-in-law Troy died of cancer, and I am feeling pretty wimpy.  I really miss him, and wish that I had gotten more time with him.  I did get four years, but that wasn't enough.  I had so much that I wanted to learn from him.  He was kind of like me in some ways ... always wanting to learn something new. 

Troy would get an idea and then immerse himself in it ... wells, fishing, hydroponic gardening, computers, chipper machines, genealogy, religion ... whatever interested him.  Troy was always in school informally.

A Navy Sea-Bee, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, bishop of his church, successful business owner ...Troy was in charge and did everything to his best.  Good, better, best, never let it rest, until the good is better and the better's best.

I know Troy isn't far away, because I can feel him around the property at times.  He can see us; we just can't see him, and I like knowing that he is keeping an eye on things.   

Sure do miss you, father-in-law.


Little Missy's Birthday Party:

Last night, our Little Missy had her very first slumber party in celebration of her 8th birthday.  There were 8 little friends who came for the overnight spa-themed party.  A bunch more of us showed up for pizza, cake and ice cream.  It was really fun, and Tatum is such a truly nice little girl and great hostess.  April, you outdid yourself, it was a wonderful party!

Beary Best Friends!

The star of the show!
Opening the gifts.

April, Mallory and Toni watch 
the karaoke performances. 

April gets joy out of all her hard work 
in setting everything up.

Ryland gets joy out of the cooler.

The cake!

Blowing out the candles.

After I left!  
(From April's FB page.)

These guys are my friends too, but I hadn't seen them for a long time.  I sure had missed them, and really enjoyed visiting with them last night:

Mallory and Tanner

Jacy and Ryland


Jacy and Tanner

Mallory, my little dance partner at the 
Summer Fun Days in Gilchrist 
since she was 5 years old.

Ryland loved that cooler!

Ryland, who is a perfect blend 
of his Grandpa Duke and Grandma Sherri.
Sure do miss you, Duke.

Tanner, who is a perfect blend 
of his Mom Jacy and Dad Brandon.

Pretty Jacy, who looks so much 
like Julia Roberts to me.