
Friday, November 14, 2008

One Reason Why He Is

My Best Friend Husband:

Yesterday I was sitting at work, visiting with Aunt Nona and ordering candy for her church fundraiser. A white SUV pulled up, and I thought, now who is that (cuz I felt more like talking to Aunt Nona than having the yellow pages lady who called last week trying to sell me advertising in the big phone book that I can't even read ... now that I am 50 and everything, you know.) But the visitor turned out to be a welcome one ... Wanda from the flower shop ... with the above beautiful roses for me! From my Best Friend Husband! And the card said, Just Because. At least on the outside. The inside was mushy and the point of this is to thank Cary, not to embarrass him. Thank you Cary, so much ... and I love you too, just because.

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