
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jimmy with his gifts:

The Christmas Party

Last night's party was a big sucess and so much fun! I posted a lot of photos here today. The only thing is, I accidently put them in backwards order ... so if you want to start at the bottom of this post and scroll up, it might make more sense. The weather was cold for those going outside to smoke, but the snow behaved itself.

Cheryl giving Cary a big hug.

Victoria giving Cary a big hug.

Cary handing out Darrold's bonus:

Cary handing out Herb's bonus and announcing that he is employee of the year:

Cary handing out Kenny's bonus:

Cary handing out Bill's bonus:

Cary handing out Mike's bonus:

Cary welcoming Richard to the LRM family and giving him his hat as Mike and Jimmy watch:

Kenny, Gina, Darrold, Jimmy and Marty:

We had prime rib, baked potatoes, grandma's green beans, corn, garlic bread and Ceaser salad (except I forgot to take that out of the fridge!). There were plenty of snacks available beforehand.

Teri and Me:

Jimmy (see way above for Jimmy' getting his bonus and gift, I couldn't get the picture right here where I really wanted it):

Victoria, Me and Cheryl:

Helping Angels, Angi and Tim. Thank you so much for helping with clean-up guys, that meant a lot at the end of a busy day:

Teri and Marty accepting their cookie mix and candy. Thanks for coming you two!

It's okay, Marty, you can open your eyes now!

A very pretty Cheryl:

Angie and Herb:

Victoria and Kenny:

Gina and Darrold:

I think Gina is dazed from the flash of the picture before!

Richard and Mike:


Mike preparing the prime rib. Thank you so much, Mike ... it was delicious!:

Setting the stage before our guests arrive:

Everybody went home with a gift of cookie mix
and a box of See's chocolate.

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