
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

*** It is 3:30 PST and there is a new post by Robin, Gracyn's mom, on the Caring Bridge website. The surgery went well, but it has been determined that Gracyn will need a heart transplant. To see how your prayers are joined with others from around the world for this precious little girl, click on this link:

It is pretty amazing how the internet has been used to make a huge prayer chain for Gracyn.

This is a special prayer request for Angi and Tim's 9-year-old niece Gracyn. She has a blood clot in her heart and is very, very ill. She is scheduled for open heart surgery today.

Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you!

There is a website set up for her at:
View the guestbook of: gracyndenbesten

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