
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jill!:

Jill is my stepmom. I am glad that I only had to have one of them, and that she is that one. She married my dad 28-years-ago, and has been a wonderful addition to our family. She has always been nice to our mom. She makes great ham dinners and always remembers to make the green pistashio pudding that I love. She gives us thoughtful gifts, listens without judgement, comes to our weddings and graduations ... and Jill takes excellent care of our dad.

Times have not been easy over the past few years, especially when her boy Jeff died, but she keeps trying and keeps moving forward. We just want to say thank you for being in our family, and that we love you very much! Happy Birthday, Jill ... have fun in the sun in Arizona, and God bless you!

Kathy and Cary, Kari and Casey, Kristin and Nigel

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