
Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Sorry that I haven't been posting much on this page. I have been busy on the other sections, including: USCC, McKenzie River, Mixes and Recipes, Children's Lit and Folklore and the addition of the Camp Christian Childcare link.

I have also decided to create a brand new website on Early Childhood Education, but I am trying to create it on Word Press because of the better word processing functions available. I don't know when it will be ready.

Other than that, we went to Klamath Falls last weekend to visit with family. We had a nice dinner, and then I sang some karaoke Jimmy Buffett. That was fun. I don't sing very well, so I pick songs that I know by heart and that are usually sung by a man so I don't worry about high notes .

Thanks for checking in, and please look over the new entries listed above.

~ Kathy

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