
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rainbow Bound:

On Sunday, Cary and I headed on another adventure, this one was to the McKenzie River. The weather was cool but beautiful (it is February after all), warming up on Monday. I'll write more later, when I get the pictures out of my new camera, but we had a very nice time at the Holiday Farms Resort in Rainbow, Oregon. We explored the surrounding area and took a lot of photos. Some are already posted in the McKenzie River link on your right.

One of the highlights of our visit was time spent with our friend Jan and our new friends Jerry and Linda from Bend. We all watched the superbowl in the Holiday Farms lounge and then went to dinner over at Jerry and Linda's the next night. It was also neat to visit with Jean, Candy, Roger, Shari, Leo, Don and many others.

Stay tuned for more!

Cary, Jerry, Jan and Linda

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