
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy 98th Birthday, Grandma Pearl!:

Pearl Spillers Wright Ellis

Today is Grandma Pearl's 98th birthday! Yeah! Grandma Pearl is the nicest lady you could ever meet. She never has an unpleasant word to say about anybody. Loving and giving, Grandma has recently moved in with Darlene so that she can just rest. She keeps up on world events, enjoys her soaps and science fiction shows. Grandma has outlived her boy, her husband, her son-in-law, daughter-in-law, a grandson and her beloved dog Matthew, but she is still all here and is wonderful company.

We all love her so much!

The Spiller Girls:

Geneva, Hilda, Grandma, Hazel and Pearl

Darlene and Grandma Pearl

Sonny, Jimmy, Pearl and Darlene

The Spiller Family

Grandma's Birthday in 2007

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