
Friday, June 5, 2009

Thunder and Lightening:

The story this week around here has been thunderstorms. La Pine got attacked on Wednesday, and our neighbor boy, Austin, even got hit by lightening. Man! (For more information on that story, go to my Daily News Page on the sidebar.)

Wednesday, the lightening was directly overhead and the thunder was instantaneous. Our dogs were going crazy with fear. Sonny thought that the safest place would be under my feet. Dana, ever smarter, squeezed herself under our bed. Finally, I just put both of them in our room, and I assume Sonny followed her lead. I tried to take pictures, but from the porch, and I was always too late, so I borrowed the one from the local paper.

Yesterday was Bend's turn. I guess it was so bad that some people thought there was a possible tornado, which is very rare around here.

This picture was taken yesterday by a
photographer at the Bend Bulletin

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