
Monday, August 3, 2009

Well, hail.....

Man, what a storm we had last night! It moved slow and hung around for hours. The lightening started around 7:00, when April and Little Missy were still here. They got stuck driving in the hail on the way home. I didn't get any lightening pictures, though I probably could have, since the flashes were so frequent. I just wanted to watch from inside the house, learning that lesson from our neighbor Austin who got hit by lightening in June. Then it began to rain and hail. These pictures are of the hail. I gave up and went to bed around 9:30. Cary said that I went to sleep in the middle of the storm, that it went on for another couple of hours. At least everything got soaked, so that will help with the fires.

This photo was taken by Stephanie Baldwin
and was on the Z21 website.

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