
Saturday, September 12, 2009

End of the Season: Bringing in the Boat

2:00 - Today is absolutely beautiful. We probably should be watching Jimmy's little boys play football at the high school, but we have already been pretty busy. I have three dinners cooking right now: homemade chicken noodle soup, spaghetti or goulash (still deciding) and three chicken halves for chicken enchiladas. Plus, I spent a couple of hours on my blogs this morning, and I colored my hair.

But, the highlight of our day so far was our field trip to Paulina Lake to bring the boat home. The boat that the otters got to. The one that we never used in the month it was up there. The one that nobody stole the fishing poles from. Oh well, some summers are like that. Anyway, it was 78* up there and so pretty up at the lodge today. Here are some pictures of Cary and Gary loading up the boat:

Backing in the trailer.

I love looking at this man.

Gary eases the boat up to the
trailer while Cary prepares to grab it.

I am glad that my best friend husband is a jock.
And that is all I am going to say about that.

Got it!

Hey, Gary, thanks for helping!

Darn otters. Look right above the steering wheel.

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