
Friday, September 25, 2009

La Pine gets smokey from the Oakridge Fires ...

On Wednesday evening, the smoke hit La Pine in full force. It was all of a sudden, and I was afraid that there was a forest fire right down the road from us. I called the Sheriff's non-emergency number and the nice lady said, no, it was smoke from the valley.

Yesterday, on my way to help set up Dad and Jill's garage sale, I stopped on Newberry Crater Road by the ranch and took this pictures. You can make out Paulina Peak in some of them, but you can't see Mt. Bachelor like you could if there wasn't any smoke.

For more information on this fire, here is a link to Z21's story on it:

Ranch Pasture ...
Mt. Bachelor is hidden by smoke.

Paulina Peak

Paulina Peak

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