
Monday, September 14, 2009

Learning to can ...

Okay, now I am going to try something new to me: I am going to learn to can. I like making soups with my leftovers, and we only have a small freezer. We could get a bigger freezer, but then if one of those dreaded disasters happen and we lose electricity, then we lose the food. So, I am going to do what my Grandmas did and can. My Grandma T. made peaches. My Grandma J. made everything, including her famous green beans. I am going to start with chicken noodle soup.

I have most of the stuff that I need, except for a pressure cooker. That will run about $100.00, but we will always have it. I am going to make the commitment and buy one. Then, I'll show you my progress as I go. I found an awesome website right off the bat, with recipes, videos and everything. Thanks, Canning USA for doing such a wonderful job on your website and teaching people like me how to can!

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