
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is embarrassing, but what the heck ...

(I am the cute chick, in case you were wondering.)

You might be a redneck from La Pine if you decide to get rid of flies by hanging up ziplock bags half full of water. Rumor around town says it works:

You might be a redneck from La Pine if it freezes in early September and kills your flowers, and you still keep them around:

You might be a redneck from La Pine if you fill your boat full of old newspapers, and stuff that doesn't spoil before you go to the dump:

You might be a redneck from La Pine if you have a 4 wheel drive golf cart that you can drive in the snow (but that's a cool thing!):

You might not be so much of a redneck from La Pine if you take a "before" picture in the spring:

I hope my best friend husband doesn't kill me for posting the boat picture! LOL! Actually, that's my stuff; I'm from Eugene and can't throw away old newspapers. It is against the law there. I guess that we had better go to the Boy Scout newspaper box at the park, and get some work done on the outside of this house. If it is not one thing, it is another around here. :>)

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