
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009 with the Kids:

The stage is set ...



The guests arrive:

Kristin enjoys some shrimp.

Kari brings in the gifts from the car.

Casey voted for opening gifts before eating.  
That was a big surprise.



Cary says that Cody is the ugliest dog he has 
ever seen, but we know he likes him a lot.

Kristin prepares to open her gifts.

My Kari and me.

Cary and Kari

My Kristin and me.  Notice the black and red going on here.  We all picked up on that fashion tip from our cousins at Thanksgiving.

Cary, Kristin and me.

Kristin and Cody.

Casey unwraps his presents.

Kristin explains Cary's gift from Dad and Jill.


We eat.  The menu consisted of bacon, sausage and eggs. We decided to not make pancakes and fried potatoes with onions this time.  Breakfast was very good:


After we ate, Kari suggested that we put on our p.j.'s.  It was about 2:00.  I am modeling  the new ones I received from Shanna, John and the kids here:


Casey and Grandma Kathy sitting under the new chiming clock from Grandpa Cary. 

We played Yatzee and Scattegories.
Kari beat me at Yatzee by 101.  Kristin beat me at Scattegories by one point.  I kept coming in 2nd place!

Casey enjoys his new book while 
waiting for play to resume.

Pretty sisters; my girls, the K. Wards.

Casey built this cool fort 
with his new Lincoln Logs.

Kari and Casey

Cary and Kristin.  Kristin drove back to Eugene at around 5:30.  Willamette Pass was clear, but it was still a mess in Bend.  Kari and Casey stayed the night.  We are sorry that Julie and her family were not able to join us due to icy and dangerous roads, and we missed Nigel.  But, we had a wonderful time together on Christmas 2009.

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