
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Nativity: The Birth of Baby Jesus
































I love this book by Julie Vivas!  It helped mesh my head knowledge with my heart knowledge regarding the birth of Baby Jesus.  These were real, everyday people of the time.  What a set of circumstances:  Mary and Joseph were not even married yet, the census was taken when she was 9 months pregnant, and Mary had to travel miles on the back of a donkey to get to a town that was so full they had to sleep in the barn.  I love the pictures of Jesus being born; just a little naked baby boy who ended up accomplishing so much.

I wonder if those extra ladies hanging from the trees helped Mary with the delivery?  I wonder if God spared her in the labor pain department for all of her trouble?  I wonder if Joseph fainted when she told him she was pregnant?  I wonder if she brought any baby clothes with with her as she traveled by donkey to get counted?  Inquiring minds surely would like to know these things.  You can tell the Bible was written by guys because they leave out a lot of details that girls are curious about.

There is a slide show with an instrumental Joy to the World at the top of this page.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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