
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thank You!

Hey, you guys, thank you for reading my blog.  Today I hit 1000 profile views!  I really do appreciate you checking in to see what's up with this Central Oregon Grandma.
Have a wonderful day, and stay warm! (It is -13 outside as I write this.) (Actually, it was really -26!)

~ Kathy

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I sincerely appreciate your comments! If you don't see your comment posted immediately, don't worry. I have comment moderation on here to help filter out spam. It will become visible as soon as I read it, and I do that several times daily. It just seems easier than using the word verification option. I am so sorry, but I am not accepting anonymous comments at this time. You can email me at: and I will happily add your comment to this post. Thank you so much! ~ Kathy M.