
Friday, December 18, 2009

Things to do...

It is funny how this daily Christmas quote thing I have started has made me write something everyday on here, if just to break up the entries so that people can see that something has actually changed.  In other words, I have to put something in between the daily quotes, which means I have to think up something new to write.  And, since this blog celebrates the positive portions of everyday life, I feel the need to focus on a positive story.  Which is a good thing.  The exception to this is when something makes me mad, then those stories are not always so positive, though they usually turn out to be my best stories.  So, writing everyday has been on my list of things to do.  And, I think it is helping my writing.

Today, I have so much to do, here at home.  I need to finish some gifts and get them ready to mail, need to clean the house, color my hair, clean the fridge, make some dinner ... send some Christmas cards, do laundry ... things like that.  Things to do.  

I'd better go get started, tear myself away from my fun, the computer.  Have a wonderful and productive or restful day ... whatever it is you are going to be doing yourself, and may God bless you very much throughout the day.

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