
Friday, January 22, 2010

Preparing for the writing of a book:

Okay, today was step two of getting all of Cary's information gathered into one place in preparation of helping him write his life story.  Seriously.  Though I am not really sure how to go about it yet.  A while back, I set up a non-published blog to use for writing and gathering information into a rough draft.  I thought that was a kind of a neat use of 

Anyway, this morning, I sorted through boxes of items that we got out of the attic and put them into crates.

Here are the crates when they were empty.

Here were the boxes when they were full.

Here are the crates with like things alike.

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 The stuff to mail off to the kids.

I feel as if I have accomplished something good today.  And, I love Ziplock Heavy Duty Freezer Bags. The end.

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