
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ree on FOX and Friends this morning ....

I guess that I am an official fan now.  Somebody who gets up at 5:30 in the morning with her camera to sit in front of the t.v. to take pictures of somebody she has never even met, just because she is proud of the guest cinnamon roll maker.  Ree Drummond is her name, the one I did a blog post on a couple of weeks ago.  You remember, the Pioneer Woman?  The one who won Blogger-of-the-Year last year, and who just published her cookbook?

Here are those pictures.  (I know they didn't turn out very well, but still, they are now officially documented in my own online diary.)

 Here is the link to the live show on Fox and Friends:

Way to go, Ree!  You see, she is newly famous.  I think that is why I enjoy following her success so much.  Fans have been following her blog for several years, but now she is getting national attention because of her cookbook.  She is just a nice person, doing well, and that makes me happy for her and her family.  Here is the address to her website again:

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