
Saturday, March 6, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude:

After I posted those Oregon pictures, I started looking at other people's blogs.  Again.  After this redesign, I think that mine is measuring up.  But, as I sit here now, in my sweat pants and coloring my hair, I have been thinking about how absolutely beautiful many of the homes are on those other blogs.  It kind of effects my self-confidence.

I could be envious, but that is not my normal nature, and I don't even want to go there.  Here I am, on my little blog, showing our manufactured home and what I have done to it so far, without paint.  I know there are others out there like me, who are happy with their homes and lives, who just enjoy seeing how other people decorate and do things...fancy or not.  So, I am going to keep showing you guys what I am up to.

I do hope to start in with the painting of the inside of our house this spring and summer.  For now, though, I am going to stick with the "progress, not perfection" and remind myself how truly blessed I am in our home of love, surrounded by our things.  Many people in are area no longer have work and are losing their homes.


Boy was I just convicted when I was washing out my hair color and remembered what just happened to our friend Mary very recently.  Her home burned to the ground. 

Dog's barking wakes Silverton woman, enables escape from burning residence

By Dana Tims, The Oregonian

February 21, 2010, 12:14 PM
Silverton Fire District:  A fire destroyed a home on Davis Creek Road in Silverton. A dog's barking awoke a Silverton woman early Sunday in time for her to escape her burning house through an upstairs window.

The woman, who was not immediately identified, was able to grab her dog and make her way uninjured through heavy smoke to the window and outside to safety.

Silverton Fire District crews arrived about 3:30 a.m., shortly after the three-alarm blaze was reported, said Capt. Ed Gramsbusch. The home was at least 60 percent engulfed in flames. Because of a lack of water in the area, firefighters needed more than an hour to bring the fire under control.

"It was quite a devastating fire,'' Gramsbusch said.

The house, about six miles east of Silverton in Marion County, sustained considerable fire, smoke and water damage. The loss of the structure and its contents was estimated at $450,000.

Crews remained at the scene for six hours, extinguishing what Gramsbusch called "hot spots" throughout the 2,500-square-foot house.

-- Dana Tims

Please keep Mary in your prayers.

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