
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Two Prizes ... One is a new friend, one is a new book!

This is my new friend Becky.  She found me somehow, looking at blogs I guess, and decided that we have a lot of the same interests and sent me an email.  My first blog friend that I didn't know before, and somebody who blogs and writes herself.  Becky is working on a book right now.  She inspires me, Becky does.  Plus, she makes me feel good because she likes me, and she hasn't even met me.

Link to one of Becky's stories:

So, last week or the week before, I was reading Becky's blog and she was holding a contest and giving away a prize.  I usually don't enter contests, because I hardly ever win.  I thought, well, isn't that nice ... but I didn't enter.  Becky emailed me about something else and mentioned that I should get my entry in.  It was easy, all I had to do was write about making bread.  So, I did.  Then, in a computer generated random drawing, I won!  

This is what I won, an autographed book called Bread Alone, by Judith Ryan Hendricks.  Wow!  I received the book in the mail yesterday.  I was so excited.  Here it is:

Thank you, Becky and thank you Judith!  As soon as I finish The Green Mile, I will begin reading it.  I'm really looking forward to it.   Like the title of this post says, the book is one prize, but the best prize of all is making a new friend because of my blog.  It also has gotten me out of my comfort zone to read more new blogs and to leave comments on them.

I am very thankful to all of you who tune in periodically to see what's going on, here on the Kathy Channel.  I will be holding an appreciation contest with prizes here very soon.  I am almost up to 10,000 hits on my visitor counter, and I think it is about time that I show you guys how important you are to me! 

Oh, and one other thing.  Yesterday when I was in the La Pine post office picking up my new book, I mentioned that I had won a blog prize from a nice lady in Missouri.  The woman next to me told us that she had a blog too, and that the name of it is Cherry's Jubilee.  I just looked it up and boy, does she do beautiful work.  Here is the link to her site:  I also put it on my blog roll. 


  1. Oh my goodness, Kathy! You embarrass me! :D
    I'm happy to have "met" you as well. I also consider you a new friend. And, you won't believe this, but when I clicked on Cherry's Jubilee, and scrolled down, I realized I've seen that blog before! I don't remember how I wound up there, but probably from going from blog list to blog list! Gorgeous stuff! I think I need to buy something! :) Thanks again for your very kind words! (P.S. You can really "elete-day the oto-phay"!)

  2. LOL! Sorry, that's what my friends and family have to put up with, Ms. Becky ... Do you have one you like better?

  3.! It's mostly the size of it! Can you make it smaller?? :)

  4. Funny! I didn't realize it was any smaller, until after I read your answer and scrolled back. That's better! :D
    Sorry to be so much trouble!

  5. Congratulations! Love your blog and your post. Wonderful the way you shared the book and signature pictures so we could see what it looks like! Wish I knew how you did your cool blog background, too! You are one talented lady.

  6. P.S. Also love the Eloise Wilkins illustrations! She's one of my all-time favorites!

  7. Kathy...what a wonderful prize to win! It looks like a fabulous book! Isn't Blogland an amazing place...meeting such wonderful folks like Becky!
    P.S. Love you blog background...very pretty!

  8. Hi Kathy,
    Congratulations on winning Becky's generous giveaway! I never expect to win anything either, but it's FUN when it happens, isn't it?

    I really like the warm, positive energy radiating from you and your blog. I particularly enjoyed the post about your father-in-law, Troy. He must have been a very fine fellow, and your tribute to him was moving and powerful.

    I hope our paths cross again very soon.

    Kindest regards,

  9. How excited you are I can see, as I would be to win such a wonderful gift! I just love getting things in the mail.Isn't it funny how we get to met people and make friends whether it be the Post Office or just a store. It has happen to many times too. I'll have to check out your new friends blogs too. Congratulations on your wonderful signed book!

  10. Hi Kathy,
    This is my first visit to your lovely blog. Becky is a writing friend of mine, and she told me you have a cool blog that I should check out. She was right. I love your upbeat message. Congratulations on winning the book. It sounds like a good one.
    Donna Volkenannt

  11. Oh, you guys are all so nice! Thank you for writing, you cheered me up. Thanks, Becky, you have really nice friends. :>)

    Yes, I do miss Troy.

    The blog background is really easy and free, just go to "The Cutest Blog on the Block" (I think you can click on the logo on the top left hand corner of my blog) find what you like, copy it and paste it into "add a gadget" on your sidebar, and then wha la!

    You guys all have a wonderful day tomorrow. God bless you!


  12. P.S. - I can't wait to read all of your blogs!


  13. Hi Kathy - Congrats on your win! Becky rocks my socks, too -- she's a very positive, upbeat lady (if I ever meet her in person she'll have to brace for a big hug). Enjoy your new book! I'll check back to your blog soon.

    All the best,
    Lisa Claro

  14. Hi, Kathy,
    Congrats on the win; you will love the book and want to read the others when you finish Bread Alone. And Becky is a sweet person even though I have never met her face to face. We both live in Missouri. Blogs are great friend makers!

  15. Congratulations on the win, Kathy! Hope you enjoy the book!


  16. I'm sure you'll love Bread Alone. Judi Hendricks is a wonderful author. Just like Becky is a wonderful friend :) Enjoy!

  17. Hi Kathy,

    Becky told, er, asked me politely, to drop in and see your wonderful blog. I had no idea you were all the way in Oregon; quite the fer piece from me in Georgia. Anyway, I guess readers will find each other, no matter the miles...(love that you put your opinions of books next to the titles!)


  18. Cathy, Janel, Pat, Claudia and Lisa: Thank you so much for stopping by! I am really enjoying reading everybody's blogs.


  19. Hi Kathy,
    I'm a friend of Becky's - and she is one sweet gal. Congrats on being the winner! I wasn't much of a reader until I got older and picked up a Stephen King book (Misery) and have been a fan since. I haven't read The Green Mile yet, but after reading your blog, I will. (I have seen the movie.) Everyone is inspiring me to start my own blog, so perhaps I'll get around to that soon. Thanks for sharing. Take care, Lynn

  20. Hi Lynn ... thanks so much for stopping by! You should start your own blog ... it is such a creative outlet, and now, as I am finding out thru Becky, a great way to make new friends.

    Have a great weekend,



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