
Thursday, April 22, 2010

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands:

First, today is Earth Day.  They invented Earth Day 40 years ago. I think it is about taking care of the earth.  Cleaning up litter, recycling, planting new trees, etc.   

Second, today is my nephew Ethan's birthday.  They made him 20 years and 9 months ago.  He's my little sweetie, 2 months younger than my Nigel.   

Third, all those red dots on this world map below are you guys!  From 35 countries so far.  Wow.  Thanks for reading my blog.  I sure would love to hear from you.  Just for today, if you would like to leave a comment and tell us your first name and your location, that would be too cool.  To leave a comment, you can sign on as anonymous if you want to.

(Click on the map to enlarge.)

Have a great Earth Day!  And remember, He still has the whole world in his hands.

Link to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers singing
"He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy:
Current Country Totals
From 1 Mar 2010 to 21 Apr 2010

United States (US)601
Canada (CA)16
United Kingdom (GB)8
Czech Republic (CZ)3
Switzerland (CH)3
Russian Federation (RU)3
Guam (GU)3
Lithuania (LT)2
Indonesia (ID)2
Thailand (TH)2
Finland (FI)1
Austria (AT)1
France (FR)1
Norway (NO)1
Germany (DE)1
Ireland (IE)1
Romania (RO)1
Poland (PL)1
Netherlands (NL)1
Latvia (LV)1
Italy (IT)1
Djibouti (DJ)1
Philippines (PH)1
Vietnam (VN)1
Nigeria (NG)1
Australia (AU)1
Singapore (SG)1
Saudi Arabia (SA)1
Taiwan (TW)1
Turkey (TR)1
New Zealand (NZ)1
Greece (GR)1
Korea, Republic of (KR)1
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)1
Bulgaria (BG)1

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