
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is it really Thursday already?

This week has just flown by, and I have squeezed a lot into it.  I have gotten up at 5:00 on most of the mornings, and have posted most of what I wanted to about our little weekend trip around Oregon.  The thing about taking all of those pictures is that it generates so much work!  I feel an obligation to myself to put them on my blog, since it is my diary, and I don't want to forget what I did on the weekend of June 4-6, 2010, because it was really fun!

Monday wasn't so fun though.  I took our friend to his doctor's appointment.  This beautiful fountain was in the lobby and it was the best part of the visit:

I really appreciated the peacefulness and beauty that was put into the fountain and the overall design of the lobby at The Center.

Sadly, the tests confirmed that our good friend has lung cancer.  Boy, did that shake us all up.  Cary and I will be there to help out in anyway we can.  Please keep Mr. O. in your prayers.  Thank you.

Thank you to Janine for asking that the following link be added here so that you can learn more about lung cancer:

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