
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Attention Bloggers: TCBOTB is removing their backgrounds on Friday

What the heck?  I woke up to this!!!  And after I spent so long last week finding a background that you could still read my sidebar through.  I have used The Cutest Blog on the Block for all my blogs.  I wonder what is going on?  You can't log on to their site right now...which is 6:45 a.m. on Wednesday.  Probably because everybody is freaking out and trying to see what it happening. 

If you know anything about this, please leave your comment to let the rest of us know.  Thanks! 

*** Okay, I got through to their site.  Here is the link to their explanation: TCBOTB Explanation.  You can keep your same look, it is just that they had to recode, so you have to go and get the new code. 

****** Now their site is so busy that it is murder to get on there to make the changes.  If I lose all of my pretty backgrounds, I will fix them when I can.  I have 33 blogs, I think.  I plan on fixing Oregon Gifts, my MSHA Blog and OIAA first.  It is a pain, but the backgrounds are free and I appreciate the hard work that somebody put into making them in the first place. 

******** Not all of the backgrounds were deleted.  For the ones that were, I ended up going over to Shabby  and using their backgrounds.  They are free and pretty also, but they do not have quite as many backgrounds to choose from.  

Remember: Celebrate the positive portions of everyday life!

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