
Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Snowfall of the Season:

On Friday, I tarped in the back patio part way so that dogs could have an outside family room.  I keep trying to make Sonny understand that he is NOT to pee inside of this new room.  He has a thing for tarps.  Believe it or not, these tarps will help to keep some of the wind and weather out.  When the snow builds up, it will start to insulate the yard.  We can also go in our hot tub and enjoy the snow; if it starts working properly again.  It was working fine until today, the day the snow began to fall.  Dang.  Well, anyway, it did actually begin to snow today, as was predicted.  I like it when I work hard for a reason.  It satisfies me when I prepare for weather and then the weather comes through.  When my hard work is not a waste of time.

So, I am documenting our snowfall.  You may want to keep checking back to this post to see what happens.  Winter has arrived.  And I cannot say that I am unhappy about it.

Sunday, 1:45 PM

I'll keep adding to this; they think we are supposed to get between 3" and 6" by tomorrow.

Now it is starting to stick.  Sunday, 6:30 PM:

8:00 AM on Monday ... the ground is covered, but there was not a lot of snow action last night.  I even woke up at 3:30 to see if I needed to take a picture, but at that point determined that it was not necessary.  I'll keep you posted if we happen to get a bunch more snow today.


  1. Wow, I can't believe it. My air conditioning is still on. It is so pretty.

  2. Really? You guys are still so warm to have air conditioning, Lorraine? That's neat. It was still in the 70's on Thursday here. We are at 4200', so we get the snow faster, but usually not this fast.

    Take care,


  3. Love your pics. Miss the snow...we don't get much of it here. When we do it is gorgeous, but it doesn't last long.

  4. Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!! :)
    [url=]Вестерны скачать[/url]

  5. I translated this from Russian:

    "Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!! :)"

    "Excellent clause! Many thanks to the author for an interesting material. Success in development!!!:)"

    Well, thank you!


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