
Friday, October 29, 2010


Dear Blends,

Hi!  I just wanted to say hello and thank all of you for stopping by to see what's up around here.  I am reading my first Belva Plain book (believe it or not) Evergreen, and I love it. 

I would like to welcome Michelle at Jamieson Interiors for being my newest follower.  Please make sure to go to her site and see what she has been up to.   Thanks to Natasha, Lisa, Julie and Lori for signing my guest book!  It is located on the top of the side bar, and is very easy to do, if you want to give it a whirl. 

Until recently, I have not been a "joiner".  I had not been linking up to contests or showing off my decorating/tablescaping skills, such as they are.  I am sure sold on that practice now though.  It has inspired me to been creative and practice my indoor photography (which needs a lot of help!)  Not only is it a lot of fun, it is a great way to meet new folks, and also have them find out about your own blog.  Instead of my usual 100 or so daily visits, I have been getting well over 200 the last several days.  And that is one reason I blog, so that people will read my blog.

I noticed today that removed the mandatory "Adopt-a-Pet", so I am very happy with continuing to make slide shows thorough their program.

I added "Favorite Posts", via Blogger's Features page.  It did all the work.  Please check out a few of them on the sidebar if you are new around here.

I am looking very forward to this weekend, when my boy will be here for a visit before he goes into the Job Corp.  The snow is all melted, the rain is back to off and on, and I have another tablescape forming in my mind for our big table.  Life is good and I am happy.

Oh, I have mailed off Natasha, Becky, Lisa and Shelly's photos from my birthday contest.  The contest is over and Nancy won the CSN gift certificate, but everybody else who entered gets to choose one free 8x10 landscape photo from me too.  Just email me with the photo you want, and your mailing address and I will send if off to you.  My email is:

God bless all of you, and have a wonderful weekend!

~ Kathy  


  1. "Life is good and I am happy." See...THAT's why I visit your blog. You send out positivity on a regular basis!

    I'm looking forward to receiving my photo. I'll send you a copy of the story I write from it. That pic has ooh-gobs of character.

  2. :>) Well, I'm trying to celebrate the positive.

    I can't wait to read your story. Is that what your book is going to be about? It has a scary Stephen King look about it, lol!

  3. Hey Kathy! I just signed your guest book and included ONE of my MANY Goofy Pictures! :D
    I'm looking forward to receiving my photo, too!! Thanks again for being so generous. As you told you recently, I'm sorry I've been so bad in commenting. You know I love your blog! You are always in my heart and thoughts and I love ya, too! Yep....Life is good and I am happy! That's me, too!

  4. What do you think about adding some more pictures? I don’t want to offend anyone, page is really great. Just according to the scientists visitors acquire info much more efficient if there are some helpful pics.

    Jeff Page
    cell phone zappers

  5. Hi Becky, thank you so much for your nice comments and support! I am really glad that you signed my guest book. I know that I can always count on you, and on Lisa too.

    Hi Jeff, thanks for visiting! Just scroll down; if there is one thing I have on here it is lots of pictures, lol.

    ~ Kathy

  6. I forgot to mention that I also loved Evergreen by Belva Plain!! It's been years since I read it, though, and I couldn't begin to tell you what it was about!

  7. Hi Becky! I am really enjoying it. It is about a woman named Anna and her family ... she immigrated to America as an orphan. It is interesting to be reminded of U.S. history, the Great Depression, the world wars, etc. Plus it is a love story.



I sincerely appreciate your comments! If you don't see your comment posted immediately, don't worry. I have comment moderation on here to help filter out spam. It will become visible as soon as I read it, and I do that several times daily. It just seems easier than using the word verification option. I am so sorry, but I am not accepting anonymous comments at this time. You can email me at: and I will happily add your comment to this post. Thank you so much! ~ Kathy M.