
Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Trick-or-Treaters:

We had two trick-or-treaters.  They had to drive about 10 miles to get here.  Thanks, you guys!  Our niece Beverly brought Bumblebee Tess and Batman Troy over for a short visit before heading downtown to where the real action was.  I wish that I would have given them more candy.  Come to find out, I was in no danger of running out.  

Seeing the kids, so cute and so excited made me happy.  They brought back memories of when my own kids were little.  I remember two Halloweens in particular when Nigel was also a bee (at age 3) and a Ninja Turtle (age 4).  Time passes so quickly!

Nigel and Kristin 


Now Nigel is 20, and over here for a visit.  We spent our Halloween eating candy, watching the World Series and then watching the live Ghost Hunters in Buffalo, NY on t.v.   I went to bed at 10:00, though the special was going until 12:00.  Not too much ghostly action had happened as far as I could tell, at least when I stopped watching.

So, how did you guys spend your Halloween?

~ Kathy

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