
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This and That Tuesday News:

I won Lisa's contest!  Wow, thank you, Lisa.  I look forward to getting my Thanksgiving gifts in the mail.  At our Thanksgiving  meal in Eugene, one of the things that I am in charge of is decorations, and these will be fun to add to the mix.  But I think that I will keep the candy at home for us.

Bragging on those Grandkids

Tyler's end of the season stats:   

Tyler, during his junior year at McPherson High as quarterback.....passed for 2671 yards with a 74.4% completion rate....30 passing touchdowns and 1 rushing touchdown,  with only 3 interceptions.  

Tyler has the top pass rating and completion rate in the nation for the class of 2012.  Needless to say, this whole family and a couple of towns are very proud of him!

*** News Alert!  Randy just called and said that Tyler was chosen as all league, and is the MVP for offense in the whole league.  Wow.

Cameron, Tyler's brother is also a very talented football player.  We are keeping our eyes on that boy too.  All of you Kansas kids are great all around people.


Our grandson Garrett is kind of under recognized on my blog.  His Mom and Dad are not on Facebook, so I don't have as many easy pictures and up-to-date info on him like I do the rest of the kids.  We learned last week that Garrett, a 9th grader and a defensive back, has been placed on the varsity football team at his high school in Washington.  Way to go, Garrett!  Grandpa and I love you very much, and are so proud of you.


Our Grandson Chase is an avid and excellent soccer player.  Way to go, guy.  Love you lots!

Chase fans out there ... you may have noticed 
that he got his hair cut.  Lookin' good, Chase!


Then there is Johnny.  Grandpa Cary reincarnated.  Johnny is #4 on his football team.

Your new glasses look great on you, Johnny!


Collin is an awesome basketball and baseball player.  I will be getting some basketball photos of Collin posted on here after his game this weekend.  Collin is a team leader and it is so fun to watch him play.  We can't wait to go and visit our Washington family soon.

So there you go.  I took a little liberty of doing some sports bragging on here.  Thanks for visiting!

~  Kathy

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