
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm:

Yesterday morning, we woke up to this:

It didn't last long, but it was beautiful for a little while.  The rain has now caught up with Central Oregon too.  There are areas in the Willamette Valley and in Washington that are flooding now.  They are telling folks in the Seattle area to pack up, because they may need to evacuate.  What a mess.

I am so glad to have the house clean and decorated.  Now we need to work on the gift portion of Christmas.  Usually I am nearly done by now, but instead I have barely even begun.   I am just not into to Christmas this year, despite the looks of things.  It is not a lack of energy; it is an actual resistance to putting out the effort.  Bah humbug?  I'm not usually like this.  It is a good thing that I have my blog ... I think I decorated just so that I could take pictures!

Well, whether I feel like it or not, the show must go on.  I am happy that we had that pretty weather yesterday to lift my spirits.  I am trying hard to restore my attitude of gratitude and count my many blessings. 

Have a wonderful week, friends.

~ Kathy

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