
Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday's Snow Pictures:

I stayed home all day yesterday.  It was such a beautiful day!  In between my sewing  projects and phone calls, I stepped outside to take a few photos.




Now I am just waiting for it to warm up a bit.  Then I'll head into the big city for a couple of hours to get some Christmas shopping done.  Another big, bad storm is supposed to hit tonight, and they are saying to not even drive tomorrow if you can help it.  I am sure our guys will be able to make it to our pizza party since they don't have to come from far lives next door!

You guys have a wonderful day!


Oh, look at this surreal photo that I took the night before last.  A semi had stopped in front of our house, and the driver went inside the cargo unit to make some adjustments or something.  I didn't use a flash, and it isn't the best quality, but I find it a very interesting photo.   What do you think?  You can click to enlarge it.  It looks like there is an animal across the street, and a face in the very upper right hand corner.  Weird stuff!


  1. Gorgeous photos, Kathy! It certainly looks beautiful in 'your neck of the woods.' I hope you have a great Pizza Party! Enjoy the weekend.

  2. P.S. that last photo WAS a little creepy! LOL!

  3. Hi Gloria,

    I am so looking forward to today's pizza party. I got so much done yesterday, yay. I know about that last pic, isn't it weird?

    Have a great weekend!



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