
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Graphic Courtesy of People to Pets

"Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment."    Sydney Smith

I wish you Health...
So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

I wish you the Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart.

I wish you the Beauty of nature...
That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generosity so you may share...
All good things that come to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve. 


Thank you so much, my Blends (Blogging Friends) for stopping by to read my thoughts and to say hello.  I am so happy that you visit my blog and help me celebrate the positive portions of everyday life.  I appreciate you all so very much, and am wishing you a wonderful and prosperous 2011.  May the Lord bless every single one of you and yours.

~ Kathy 


  1. Happy and Healthy New Year, dear Kathy! God bless you too!

  2. Hi Gloria,

    I wish the same for you!

    God bless,



I sincerely appreciate your comments! If you don't see your comment posted immediately, don't worry. I have comment moderation on here to help filter out spam. It will become visible as soon as I read it, and I do that several times daily. It just seems easier than using the word verification option. I am so sorry, but I am not accepting anonymous comments at this time. You can email me at: and I will happily add your comment to this post. Thank you so much! ~ Kathy M.