
Friday, February 25, 2011

Vintage Tribute: Sewing Teapot, Wooden Spools and Grandma Johnson

Though I posted this on Saturday and entered it into Pink Saturday, it got such a great response that I wanted to go ahead and enter this post into Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday and  Marty's "A Stroll Through Life" too.   If you have now seen it twice, well, I hope you enjoy it the second time around. 

All of the photos on this blog are copyrighted.  Please ask permission if you want to use them.  Thank you.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

When I posted these photo's last night, Blogger was acting up, and it took me a long time to get them loaded on here.  So, now I am adding on to tell you about the things in this photo.  

I mention my Grandmas frequently throughout my posts.  I feel as if they are always nearby.  We have many of their things in our home, I am reminded of them frequently.  Grandma Johnson is my Dad's mother.  I gave her that little sewing teapot in the 90's for Christmas, and it ended up coming back my way.  Not all of these things belonged to her, but they reminded me of her.

The yellow thread caddy was given to me by an old man who lived up the McKenzie.  He made it for his wife, and she died in a tragic accident.  He was staying with some people that I cleaned house for, and he knew that I was working hard on my crafts business and wanted me to have it.  I do treasure it.  Some of the wooden spools came with it, but others belonged to my Grandma J.  I'm sure that the thread is rotten and would break easily, but they look great.

The little pink jar was my Grandma T.'s and so was the teacup.  I can't remember who had the gloves before me.  The miniature vase and bowl came from my Dad.  He won it at a Christmas gift exchange when I was in high school, and I decided that I needed it more than he did.  He did have it on his dresser until I got my hands on it though.  I think he kind of liked it.

The 80's curtains were given to me by my friend Adrienne years ago.  The necklaces were made by, and given to me by my two college friends Lynn and Marie.  They have some pink in them and fill in the blank spaces on the thread caddy.  Necessity is the mother of invention!

This post turned out kind of cool, so don't be surprised it I enter it into Table Top Tuesday, Tea Time Tuesday and Vintage Thingie Thursday next week.  I think that some of those ladies will enjoy seeing it too.

I am submitting this post into Beverly's Pink Saturday.  If you love pink, please visit there by clicking here to see what my friends are doing with pink on their blogs this Saturday!

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.  Protected by Copyscape Duplicate Content Check


  1. Oh that little spool cabinet is adorable. What a treasure. Thanks for shairng. Karie

  2. wow Kathy, I LOVE the cabinet for the thread!! Happy PS

  3. Of all your treasures, I like the picture of Grandma Johnson the best. :)

  4. What a beautiful little display of things you treasure.

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Kathy Sweetie...]
    Oh what a beautiful share. Your vignette is SO pretty. I love that it all centers around the love for your precious Grandmother. It is sweet. I love the sewing thread box as a background, and it was given in such love, it is wonderful you had old threads, some of your sweet Grandmothers to fill it with. It makes it that much more happy with color, making the perfect background.

    That little sewing teapot is precious.I am so glad that it came back to you, it was given in love and returned in love. Now you can share that love with all of us.

    Love the curtains as well, but the cherry fabric sitting beneath everything, oh it stole my heart right away. I collect cherry everything, and how beautiful it is. They just sparkle there.

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend sweetie. Thank you so much for taking me along the Oregon countryside today. Living in the desert I so love to see the wilderness beauty.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. OMGoodness, WOW...I just LOVE it,,love it all. Especially the ceramic LOVELY teapot!!!
    May you feel Christ's Presence throughout your weekend and new week..and May His blessings continue on you and yours... Amen and Amen~~~Hugs Dena

  7. My first time to your lovely blog. Your display is adorable, I love all the threads. The fabric is gorgeous. I had to look twice at your grandma - she could be a TWIN to my MIL. I'll have to send you a pic. WHOA.
    Hope you had a wonderful Sat.

  8. Thank you, Donnie, Sherry, Dena and Ann ... I appreciate all of your comments, compliments and blessings so much. Ann, I'd love to see a photo of you MIL!

    Now, I'm off to visit you lovely ladies!

  9. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Love you keep this cabinet well organized!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. I like the way you have displayed all these items , putting them together as a sweet tribute to your Grandmas. The spool caddy is a real treasure !

  11. I agree with you Kathy B. Your grandma must be very happy.Buy Cakes

  12. Gabriela, Kathy B. and O.B. - thank you for coming over to visit ... it makes me happy that you enjoyed the photos. God bless!


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