
Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Weekend in Review: April's Birthday and Dinner at the Village Bar and Grill in Sunriver

Source: Card

Happy Birthday April, 2011 ~ Kathy Matthews

Happy Birthday April, 2011 ~ Kathy Matthews

On Friday night, my BFF, April stopped by pick up her birthday gifts.  April is so pretty, is the best storyteller in the world, and takes good care of me (and of everybody else).  We love ya, Ape.  Hope this is your best year ever!

Last night, Cary and I hopped in the truck and drove the short drive into Sunriver to eat dinner at the The Village Bar and Grill.  We ate in the lounge, which is a really nice place to hang out.  Cary ordered a New York steak dinner and I went with a Ceaser Bacon Chicken Wrap.  It was all so good.  I was so happy to get out of the house and get off of the computer.

On the wall at the end of the bar, I spotted this huge framed Alaskan King Crab and autographed photo of the crew from  The Northwestern.  I decided to give photographing it a try; it was kind of dark in there, but at least you can see it.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

As I was standing there with my camera, doing my work, the bartender and a guy sitting at the bar began telling me about the history of how the restaurant owners acquired the crab.  A man that has a home in Sunriver works on the The Deadliest Catch show, and he brought the crab and signed photograph to the owner.

I started talking to the guy sitting at the bar, about how sad it was that Captain Phil Harris had died.  He said, yeah, that the Deadliest Catch was one of his favorite shows.  I told him that Cary and I really liked to watch it too, even the re-runs.  I also told him that my BFF Nancy and I like Captain Eric the best, and that we were sorry that he wasn't on there anymore (as far as I know).  Nancy and I think that Captain Eric is pretty cute and nice; the best combination.  I swear that he is currently on a State Farm commercial holding a bunny. Maybe we'll see him around as an actor now?  If we are lucky, we will.  

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy; Kathy Matthews
Captain Sig Hansen and the crew of the Northwestern

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy; Kathy Matthews

Then, the serendipity moment fell into place.  I was walking back to our table and this lady named Libby said, we framed that whole thing at our shop.  I said, you did?  What is the name of your shop?  She said, "The Great Frame-Up" in Bend.  So, I told her that I'd give her business shout out on my blog.  Hi Libby!  We told her where we worked, and she said, oh, you guys did a lot of work for us when we built our house.  Come to find out, she just lives down the road from us.  That was fun.

As we were visiting with Libby, my phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID, and it was my BFF Nancy ... the one who thinks that Captain Eric is cute.  The whole thing was so coincidental; how everything was so connected.  Just like in those Banner Bank commercials advertised on The Mariners games.

Anyway, Libby is also a Realtor.  So, if you need custom framing, or if you need to buy a house, she's an awful nice lady and she gets the job done!  Please check out these links about Libby when you have a minute:

Cary, Kathy and Nancy; Kathy Matthews
P.S. - Captain Eric, if you ever read this, 
Nancy is the one in white.

Award Ceremony

Yay, look at this!  I just received a blogger award from  Shannon Lawrence, over at The Warrior Muse.  Thank you so much, Shannon.  The rules are that I am supposed to tell you seven things about me that you might not already know, and then choose seven people to pass this award onto.  Instead, I know that sometimes we get super busy, and that sometimes awards can be just another thing to check off of our to-do lists, so if you would like either of these awards, please take them and then you can pass it on to your blogger friends.  But please leave a comment on this post in any case ... it doesn't mean that you have to accept the award.  Still, the part about sharing the seven things is fun, and interesting to your readers.

And, thank you to Ellie from over 
ELLIE GARRATT for this one too!

So, here are the seven things 
that you might not know about me:

1)  I was born with six fingers on my left hand; fingernail and all, but with no bone inside.  Gross!  They tied a string around it to cut off the circulation, and it was soon gone.  I always think of that when I watch The Princess Bride.

2)  I have my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. 

3)  Both sets of my Mom's great-grandparents came to Oregon via covered wagon.

4)  I was born at the same hospital as my Grandma, my Mom, and my two daughters.  My son was born at home, but in the same town where the rest of us were born.

5)  I used to own a 1967 Buick Wildcat, and sold it to an old boyfriend for $500.  He never paid me for it, and my ex-husband has held this against me for years and years.  Sorry, Papa Rick.  I regret that I just didn't just give it back to you.  This is my public apology.  Or, I could have just kept it.  It was a cool car.  One good thing that came out of that though, I never heard from that guy who owed me $500 again.  A unique way of getting rid of somebody, don't you think; albeit a pretty dumb way.

6)  I am a Libra.  My husband is an Aries.  My Mom is a Libra.  My Dad is an Aries.  My husband's first wife is a Libra (and of course, her ex-husband is an Aries).  Her mom was a Libra and her dad was an Aries.  My husband's Dad was an Aries.  Our son-in-law is a Libra.  

When I laid this important info out at a dinner party at Shanna and John's (the son-in-law Libra) years ago, I posed the question, "What does this all mean?"  One guy said, "I know, I know!  It means that you guys are really dysfunctional."  LOL ... but that is a true story.

7)  I was a church secretary for six years.

Thank you to my newest followers:

(I listed some other new folks a couple of weeks ago.  If I accidentally missed you, I'm so sorry.  Just leave me a comment on this post and I'll be sure to add you on here so that others can click on your link and pay you a visit; since I posted this part this morning, I have lost a follower ... I didn't intend to slight anybody.)

For The Luv of Sanity (no link available)
Knightesshope (no link available)
Matt (no link available)
Micmin (no link available)
Bethany Borgschatz (no link available)

If you miss a day, you miss a lot!  Don't miss out on the news ... Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.


  1. Great post, Kathy! I don't know if I can remember all that I wanted to comment on! LOL! First of all, congrats on your blogging award; Second: your friend April is lovely; Third: I wish you would have taken a photo of your Caesar Wrap -- LOL! I LOVE seeing food photos!! Fourth: you really seem to have a great time/a great life, having fun at the pub with Cary and your friends; and Last: I enjoyed your list of seven things that we didn't know about you! :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you, Gloria! Hey, that is a great idea of taking pictures of our food when we go out to eat; I hadn't even thought of that!

    I sure do appreciate your comments and your take on it ... it makes me happy how you "get" me, Gloria.

    Have a wonderful week and God bless,



I sincerely appreciate your comments! If you don't see your comment posted immediately, don't worry. I have comment moderation on here to help filter out spam. It will become visible as soon as I read it, and I do that several times daily. It just seems easier than using the word verification option. I am so sorry, but I am not accepting anonymous comments at this time. You can email me at: and I will happily add your comment to this post. Thank you so much! ~ Kathy M.