
Friday, July 15, 2011

"It's My Job", Mother Teresa's Rules and Other Words of Wisdom:

"It's My Job"
Jimmy Buffett

by Mother Teresa

People are unreasonable, illogical, self-centered them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies successful anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow good anyway.

Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable honest and frank anyway.

People love underdogs but follow only top dogs
...follow some underdog anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you try to help people anyway.

If you give the world the best you have, 
you may get kicked in the teeth
...but give the world the best you have


When I looked for Mother Teresa's words on the computer, I found the following website.  I hope that they don't mind that I borrowed Mother Teresa's advice from them.  There are more versions of what Mother Teresa has to say on here:  Paradoxical People.

A few other sayings that wander in and out of my brain:

"Nobody ever said that it was going to be easy."

"Life's not fair, but God is good."

"Good, better, best.  Never let it rest ... 
until the good is better, and the better's best."

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." 

"I am not a shit magnet." 
(Guess who made that one up?)

"Don't make somebody your priority 
when they only make you their option."

"Create in me a clean heart, O' Lord
Renew a right spirit within me."

"As you wish!"   and  " "--true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT. Mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich; when the mutton is really lean."
From The Princess Bride

Source:  Bing Images

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:  that the moment one definitely commits oneself, the providence moves too.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no person could have dreamt would have come his or her way."

William H. Murray

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  1. That sweet woman was my hero. She set the bar for us flawed humans so very high.

  2. Yes, quite profound. Not so easy to follow, of course. Patti, mine too. I should reread one of the books that I have about her again. Maybe it will help me?

  3. I am delighted that I detected this website , precisely the right info that I was looking for! .

  4. All the sayings are wise & witty, Mother Theresa's are kind & Christ-like.I love the Princess Bride and can recite those lines from heart because my children & grandchildren so... I hope this weekend has been pleasant for you and yours.

  5. If only we could all be a bit more like Mother Theresa. The world would most definitely be a kinder and gentler place.

    Lovely post!

    Take care Cathy and I hope your week is fabulous!

    Best wishes,

  6. Mother Teresa was one very bright and special spirit. This world is so much dimmer without her.

    I love these sayings. There is some excellent advice here. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Wonderful quotes, all of them. I particularly like "Don't make somebody your priority when they only make you their option." A hard one to follow sometimes.

  8. It was kind of nice to round these up into one spot. Glad you guys like them too.

    Kathy M.


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