
Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Blurb Friday #28: "Look In The Mirror"

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews
"Many of us grew up being told that sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can never hurt us.  Words do hurt.  Being treated as garbage when you are really an angel, can eventually destroy a person emotionally, mentally and physically.  It is time to help set our angles free from the torment of bullies.

"Look In The Mirror" is a must read for parents and educators.  This insightful book, written by renowned psychiatrist Kathryn Matthews, Ph.D, offers concrete help to those seeking to combat childhood bullying and verbal abuse.  

It is written as a series of case studies highlighting the families of four victims and four perpetrators.  Concentrating on a community approach, each chapter stands alone for use in class and training sessions, with suggested discussion questions included.  Proven techniques and helpful solutions to stopping abuse are offered.  Easy and effective tools for blocking abuse are given."    (150)

I didn't have a good ending line, but when I did my word check, it was at exactly 150 words so I left things as they were.  This is not a real book, but that is what Joey's photo inspired me to write.  There must be some similar books out there on this subject though.  About 20 years ago I read the book called "Verbal Abuse, How to Recognize it and How to Respond", which was quite helpful.  Even phrases such as "Knock it OFF!" were taught for victims to not put up with crap and learn to take their power back.

These days, there is cyber-bullying, cell-phone bullying and of course, school bullying is everywhere.   What do you guys think about this subject, and how have you dealt with it or seen others do that was effective?  I would really like to know.

~ Kathy M.

I am participating in Lisa's Book Blurb Friday, from over at Writing in the Buff.   It is fun, and you can play too!  Pretend that the picture above (this one was taken by Lisa's son, Joey) is the cover of a book.  On the inside jacket, you have 150 words to entice the reader to buy your book.  Lisa gives us a week to think about next week's entry (she's gracious like that).  Please CLICK HERE   to read what everybody else wrote!

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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  1. well done, Kathy. Bullying happens through life, even to adults. I'm afraid sometimes I can't get aggressive enough to fight off jerks. I'd read this.

  2. Your blurb sounds like a real book! Nice job, Kathy! I'm not sure how to combat bullying. I feel so sorry for kids who are victims, because so often there is not one bully, but multiples that gang up. The answer begins at home, I think, with parents stopping the behavior there. But sometimes the parents themselves are bullies, so what then? I don't know the answer. I'm not sure there is one, as this is an age old problem.

  3. This subject really rings bells with me, Kathy, because I was much younger than my classmates.
    My parents learned plenty from my experiences and didn't let the same thing happen to my siblings.
    An excellent idea for a book.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. This topic is so important right now with the number of ways that children and adults have to harass/bully each other. The internet seems to have made it worse because so many people feel anonymous and therefore less responsible for their actions virtually. I'd definitely read this.

  5. A piece of fiction that sounds all too real-nice! I think eradicating all bullying behavior isn't possible, but opening up the doors of communication is, and this has helped victims to stop the behavior.

  6. Great blurb on a great topic! I like how you used the picture symbolically!


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