
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tell It Like It Is Tuesday: Making an Impact

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Today is Tuesday, where I tell it like it is.  

This week's topic is change, dealing with it, and making an impact with your life.  The future is not ours to see, and as the song goes, whatever will be will be.  We can try to make the best of whatever is though, as changes that come our way.

We never really know what is going to happen.  We can make plans, follow them, accomplish things and then everything seems to go to hell at one point or another.  People die, people get divorced, people get into accidents that cause life altering injuries.  People throw fits, get entangled with drugs and alcohol, and spend time in jail.  Over the past two weeks, I've seen all of these events happen to one person or another.  Some of the people I know personally, others are as we say on Facebook, friends of friends.

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

It is kind of funny, but the most positive thing that I pulled out of the above events came from the person who died.  I attended his memorial service on Saturday.

Bud was my first husband's brother-in-law; my girls' uncle.  Though I didn't get the chance to spend much time with him or know him very well, I always enjoyed being around him.   Everybody did.  There were around 250 people gathered for his service in the small community where he lived most of his life.

Bud and Mary Ann's grandson spoke at the service.  One thing that he said really made me think.  He said, "My Grandpa knew how to raise kids and grandkids.  He had remarkable patience.  He spent time with us, and taught us what he knew."  If we all could only have or be grandparents like that!  Bud handed down a legacy of love.

The life that Bud and Mary Ann created was truly based on the American dream.  They married young; each others first love.  The two recently celebrated 52 years of a wonderful marriage.  They settled into a delightful small town, where he ended up retiring from the company where he worked his whole life.  They had a girl and a boy; each growing up to be happily married with two kids.  They all lived close by each other; sharing camping, fishing, hunting, enjoying car shows, childcare, and their lives.  This is a family who was totally invested in one another.  To me, they are a family who did things right.  A family where things worked out.  An old-fashioned family, and an example for others.  Rest in peace, Bud, and thank you for the impact that you have made to those you touched.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Change is going to happen.  Whatever will be will be.  I guess it is a matter of making adjustments, offering forgiveness when needed, setting boundaries, and lending a helping hand.  Comforting the hurting; loving those around us.  

Last week held many surprising and unforseen events.  The story that got to me the most was the story of a co-worker of my sister, who went on a hike with her boyfriend and slipped down a ravine 150' and broke her neck.  Her boyfriend hiked out for help after going down to check on her, and the National Guard brought in a Black Hawk helicopter to rescue the lady.  (Please keep her in your prayers.)  Never for a minute when they left the house that morning, did that sweet couple imagine that their day would end like that.  We just never know how our lives are going to change.

So, today, please be kind to others, be encouraging, and try to celebrate the good things in each other.  Forgive, love, and hug those who come across your path.  Thank you.

God bless,

Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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  1. What a lot to think about it. Thanks for sharing these stories.

  2. Your post is so endearing. Your photos are stupendous, and your thoughts and memories of your 1st hubby's brother in law was awesome.

    Thoughts go with us each and every minute of the day. And you blessed us with your post. Wonderful.

    And I must stop to send along my thanks for being such a loyal visitor while I was absent in blog hopping. Much appreciated.

    My link: Baltimore Orioles

    This is an open invitation to stop by and view, if you can find time.

    Happy Wednesday.

  3. brinkka2011 says: I think youve made some actually interesting points. Not as well many people would really think about this the way you just did. Im definitely impressed that theres so very much about this topic thats been uncovered and you did it so well, with so very much class. Great 1 you, man! Really good stuff here.


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