
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's Up Wedensday:


Snow. Again. And a lot of it.  It took us by surprise yesterday morning to wake up to 6" of the pretty white stuff.  By the end of the storm, we had about a foot.  Most of it is melted now, though my friends and family on FB woke up to 4" this morning in the valley two hours away, and many have lost power.  Some think that we will be getting more in Mayberry.  We'll see. 

Still, it is all nothing compared to the tornadoes that our peeps in the Midwest are dealing with and I am not complaining.  

Dana was waiting patiently for me, as I went back into the house and changed the camera battery.  She is so cute.  

This is what I call some snow: 

Now that we are done with the weather report, we will go on to our other top stories.


1.  On Monday, my friend Hart Johnson over at  Confessions of a Watery Tart wrote an article named Plan Your Apocalypse.  (If you haven't been over to Hart's blog yet, you are missing out.) Monday's post was really good, and she was asking the question about what you would do if disaster strikes your home or neighborhood.  Last weekend, a tornado had touched down not too far from her Michigan town. 

Those of you who are long-time readers may already know that I think about disasters myself from time to time.  I even have a blog called Emergency Preparedness and Self-Reliant Living.  So, I sent Hart the link, she liked it, and gave me a shout-out on her post of yesterday, Mish Mash O' StuffThanks, Hart!  Hart has been busy writing books right and left, and this one will be available soon:

2.  I recently came across another great find at Julija Sukys' Blog  through She Writes.  One article really caught my eye, as it talks about how to best tell a story or write a book using the letters and journals of others.  I actually have a lot of letters like that. There is valuable information peppered throughout Julija's blog, as well as on She Writes.

3. My friend Lynn Obermoeller over at Present Letters was interviewed by Mary Carrol Moore at How to Plan, Write and Develop a Book.  Lynn and her friend Carole, are using Ms. Moore's book as a study guide for writing their own books.  Mary's blog is a wonderful resource, so please check it out when you have a chance.

4. Thank you to my newest followers, Doris at "Hold my Hand" A Social Worker's Blog, Peggy Eddleman at Will Write for Cookies, and the blog Encourage One Another.  I appreciate it you signing up.

5. The time has come for me to begin working on my Early Oregon Series.  I've had the blog set up for a long time, and now I need to transfer info over there and develop it into a book or two.  I am deciding whether I will be keeping the blog open, or change it to non-public as I work on it.  Any suggestions?

6.  I have been working on the April's A-Z Blogging Challenge .  I have most of the posts set up, but still need to write a couple of descriptive writing paragraphs for each day. 

7.  So much to do, and so little time.  I think that I will be going back to work soon.  As in getting a job.  Though I am kind of excited about it, my blogging and writing will certainly take a hit if I do.  It has kept me sane through this down time and I ended up loving the creativity and the confidence it has given me.  I won't stop, but I may need to slow down.

That is about it for now.  The "Entertainment" section will be coming soon, when I will be highlighting some neat work of my friends.  

I hope that you all stay safe and have wonderful day!

~ Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.  Protected by Copyscape Duplicate Content Check


  1. Hey Kathy! Your pooch is adorable and doesn't seem to mind the snow. We're at the opposite end here---unseasonably warm in the 80s. I'm in capris and a tank top today!

    Good luck with your job hunt if you opt to go that route. I've thought about it as well; but with Papa needing so much care I'm likely to continue the part-time thing for now.

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful shout out today!

    In terms of your Early Oregon blog--I think it is nice to have it closed until you get it set up so that it is easy to navigate, but once all the side stuff and links are in order, then public for actual posts, as I think most blog readers only stop in for one or two posts, so you'll want to start building readers as soon as you start regularly adding content.

    Good luck with the job thing. I think a change in schedule is ALWAYS hard to accommodate for these things the rest of the world feels are optional. Maybe figure out a designated time to get at least a little writing in each day--half hour, done every day, adds up.

  3. WORK!!! Yikes. Such a dirty word. Hope it doesn't keep you too busy to write or at least it is something you love.

  4. What a cute dog! Lots of good stuff in your links. I'll have to do some exploring.

  5. Kathy - what a cute dog you have there and gee, the snow! Thanks for the shout out - and sending them to Mary's blog too! You're such a sweetie. Knowing you, even with a job, you'll still blog more than most.

  6. I have to take a second look on your date because I couldn't believe you had snow while here in MI we had 88F. Such an amazing weather we had this time, seems impossible to me ^_^ Happy weekend!

  7. Kathy,

    Thanks so much for giving my blog a shout-out! Appreciate it very much. It was great fun to interview Lynn and Carole about their book writing journey.


  8. Lisa - Oh, that tank top weather sounds wonderful. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Hart - You are welcome. Thank you for the tips.

    Patti - I'm sure I'll make this blog a priority still, no matter what.

    Kathy J. - thanks, we love her! I hope you find some useful stuff on the links.

    Lynn - you are very welcome! That was so neat, and if you hadn't emailed me I wouldn't have known about it.

    Kim - it is true! Everything is melted now though and we are supposed to get to the 50's, which we consider warm.

    Mary - you are welcome ... your blog is a great resource for us.

    Kathy M.

  9. Wow that IS some snow! #1. Love your Emergency blog! Have been thinking about prep'ing again. #5. If you plan to submit the book, which it sounds like you do, you should keep the blog private as publishers may not take it if it has been published elsewhere. This includes blogs. (My mom is a published writer, which is how I know this). #7 Blogging is amazing, but it has its time and place, good luck on your job hunt!!

    And thank you Kathy, I am blessed by all of the likes and comments you leave, they always make me smile!

  10. And while you got snow, we got summer like weather here, like, no kidding!! We even beat some records!! Am I not the one living in Canada?


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