
Saturday, April 28, 2012

A - Z Challenge: "Y" is for Yellow-jacket

During the month of April, I am participating in the Blogging From A-Z April 2012 Challenge, where we post everyday except for Sundays. I have decided to make flashcards for the letter of the day out of my photos, and then use the picture as a writing prompt.  I am using my Thesaurus to make a story out of words beginning with the letter "Y", and to have it make sense.  I have no idea of the twists and turns that it will take, and usually crack myself up when I am all done.  Hope these little ditties make you smile too. 

I might have messed up on this one too.  Is this a yellow-jacket or is it a wasp?  Either way, they are mean and don't die when they sting you, so I don't like them.

Thank you for your visit, and please come back again tomorrow! I'll be by to visit those who leave me comments, and also visit as many others as I can. If you like what you see, please feel free to become my newest follower. ~ Kathy M. 

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

"Yolanda's Story"
by Kathy Matthews

Yolanda Young loved yellow.  Her hair was yellow, her car was yellow, her house was yellow, and most of her clothes were yellow.  So was her itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini.  In fact, Yolanda was the reason that Bryan Hyland even wrote his song by that name.  He used to watch her as she tanned in the yard, yackity-yacking on her yellow phone and thumbing through her yearbook.  That young man thought that she looked yummy, yet awfully yellow.  

Yesterday, Yolanda was yawning when a yellow-jacket landed on the yams she was eating.  Thinking quickly, she yelled, grabbed a yardstick and smashed that yellow-jacket back into yesteryear and yon.  Her dog yipped at the splattered yams, which met yeah, this yield looks good! 

The End.

  A to Z Participant List

Following the theme of the of the alphabet, I am also featuring this out-of-circulation book created by a couple of Oregon ladies in 1983.  Please come back tomorrow to see the next page in the series:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

  Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.  Protected by Copyscape Duplicate Content Check


  1. I yelped with giggles at this yummy little story! P.S.-That's what I call a yellow jacket! Nasty things!

  2. Me thinks it is a yellow jacket. Nothing you want to argue with.
    Really cute yellow story.

  3. Yellow jackets and wasps, and hornets, who cares? They are all vicious and sting something ferocious!I like the way you have incorporated all your April themes, and the itsy , bitsy, yellow, polka-dot bikini added the frosting on the cake after your creative tale.

  4. Did you notice how "The End" lined up perfectly with the bikini bottom? Did you plan that or did you just get lucky? HA~

  5. Yellow Jackets are REALLY yucky!

    Loved your "Y" tale and of course the alphabet pages from the Oregon Alphabet book.

  6. Thanks Everybody ... glad to know that I didn't mess up on the species ID after all. Wendy, that is funny, nope I guess I just got lucky ... plus the video arrow points right to her "end", lol.

  7. A great colour, Yellow! Yes this itsi bitsi was a hit and they have become so much more itsi bitsi's. Absolutely agree with your Motto "celebrate the positive".

  8. I love your Yellow post. Just listening the Brian Hyland brightens my day.
    My yellow post was with the 'X' post...hence my 'Yesteryear'
    Thanks for you kind comment. I'm a new follower.
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images


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