
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hi ...

I just wanted to say hello.  I have been busy all day visiting my bloggy friends, and wanted to leave a short post for you instead of the Sepia Saturday one of Uncle John below (though that is a great post if you have the time).

Things are going well.  The picture above was taken in mid-October when Cary and I went to Eugene for the weekend.  I am shown here with my daughter Kristin and her boyfriend Scott.  It is just a cell phone picture and the quality isn't the best, but it is a good one of all three of us.

Hugs, and thanks for stopping by!  Miss you guys, and I miss blogging.   

Kathy M.


  1. Terrific picture! (Did you EVER imagine one day taking pictures with your telephone...?)

  2. Kathy--I was fascinated by your Uncle John's letter. What a hoot! I think you could use that letter as a basis for a short story. Lynn Obermoeller is in the process of writing two novels, and they're made up of nothing but letters.

    Thanks for sharing it.

  3. It's a beautiful picture -- I know you'll treasure it.

  4. Hi, back. I am going to try to catch up myself this week. Life has been very busy here too.

  5. Hi Kathy! I'm just catching up on blogs too! Thanks for stopping by. Love the picture - you're right, you all look great. You have a treasure there with those letters! xo

  6. Cell phones often perform better than actual cameras, and this is a good shot! You're so photogenic, Kathy!

  7. That is a good picture. Time with our grown kids is a true delight, isn't it ?

  8. Hi Kathy! Don't faint...It really is ME, stopping and commenting! I hope you know that even though I'm a bad blog commenter these days, I think of you often! And we do see each other on facebook every now and then! I always love every picture of you!

  9. Miss you too, but glad things are going well. Very cute picture!


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