
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Janet Biles Art featured at Takoda's Restaurant in Rainbow, Oregon:

When Cary and I stopped by the local pizza place/restaurant next to our RV park, there were all these beautiful ceramic tiles for sale.  My friend Sandy had helped the artist, Janet Biles, cut slabs of tile to make more of these on Monday.

I don't know Janet, but I really liked her art and thought that I would share it with you on here.  If you would like to contact Janet, her email is  

Enjoy your day!  I will be back soon with some very beautiful pictures of the places that we visited last week.


Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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  1. Omigosh, Kathy, I LOVE this art! You had me immediately with the cats, but all the others are fantastic as well. The colors are so vibrant. I will definitely click over to her site. Thanks for the link and for introducing me to my new favorite artist.

  2. Me again -- just Googled her site. Love her stuff. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Lisa, well, super! I bet that she will be glad to hear that.


    Kathy M.

  4. These are beautiful - thanks for sharing!

  5. This art appeals to me, I think I would have been tempted to buy a tile or two. The cats are very charming, and the flowers too.


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