
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Confessions of a Pioneer Woman" Wins!

Last night, Ree Drummond, author and inventor of one of my favorite blogs, just won Blogger of the year, as well as awards for best photography and best layout design. Her blog is titled "Confessions of a Pioneer Woman" at Pioneer, and if you don't know about it yet, please go and check it out.

It is funny, writing this, because I don't know her, but I feel like I do. I leave comments on her blog once in a while, but she doesn't know me at all ... she has readers worldwide, and when she holds contests thousands reply. That doesn't matter though; she inspires me, and is funny and an all around neat person. I just enjoy knowing that she is there, living her happy life.

I am really proud of her for winning. Way to go, Ree!

(Ree, just in case you ever read my blog, I am Mrs. Wheeler's 5th grade student who didn't need to win the camera because I had just gotten one for Christmas.)

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