
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

La Pine Lady Hawks Return Home:

The La Pine Lady Hawks returned home from Corvallis on Sunday after winning the 2009 4A State Championship in basketball. There are newspaper clippings and articles on the Daily News page about the playoffs. I saw these pictures on my brother-in-law Larry's Facebook page and borrowed them.

Megan and Brittany are his granddaughters (our great-nieces), and Beverly, his daughter, is one of the coaches. I would like to point out that right before Christmas, Megan, a senior, broke her shoulder blade and had to have surgery ... she healed up and was a major factor in her team winning. Rumor has it that Brittany is the next up and coming star for the La Pine team. We are so proud of all of you!

The Hawks are #1 in the State!

Megan, Coach Beers and Brittany

Friend, Brittany, Beverly, Larry and Megan

The winners! Congratulations, girls!

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