
Sunday, October 4, 2009

First snow storm of the season....

For once, the weather people were right ... more than right. This morning around 6:30 or so, it began snowing in Bend. And it stuck. It is still snowing. By the time we left our motel at 9:45 a.m., there was about 3" already. It is now 11:30, and still snowing hard in La Pine. We have about 4" or 5" now. It is very pretty, but I feel fortunate that we only had to drive 25 miles this morning, and that we have good tires and all wheel drive. There are people who are hunting with their travel trailers that need to return home over the passes, and people who came from far away to vend at that festival. This is wishing all of you safe travel!

Just getting started, outside our balcony at the Phoenix Inn in Bend:

On our way home, driving through Bend:

Heading south, and Lava Butte, etc.:

At our house in La Pine:

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