
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Uh, oh ...

About a week and a half ago, my friend did something that she had wanted to do for a long time ... she got a tattoo.  A friend of hers helped her get the design that was in her head onto paper, and she went to a reputable shop to have the work done.  It is on the top of her foot and ankle area, which is the most painful place to put it.  But, she is a tough little chick and sat there for hours to get it done.  She was so excited about how it turned out and was very happy when she left.

Then, things turned bad.  She now has a staph infection and MRSA has a result of the tattoo.  That is some very serious stuff!  I am not putting this on here for any other reason, except to say that I didn't even know that this could happen.  If you are considering a tattoo, please be careful...though I don't know what she could have done for this not to happen.  Please keep my friend in your prayers.  

Thank you! 

Thursday, 5/27/10 ~ Update:  My friend reported last night that the triple antibiotics and prayers are doing the trick.  She is beginning to heal.  Thank you, Lord!


  1. Wow! That was very scarey! Unbelievably scarey!! I'm so glad she's doing better. Those staph infections are really bad.

  2. I know, and the MRSA too. She feels a lot better now, thank goodness.


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