
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Year's Group:

This picture is courtesy of my cousin Amy (FB), but I think my girl Kari must have taken it, because she isn't in it.  It looks like they had a nice day and a great time.  I feel bad that I missed it.

This picture was taken at the tiny little private Hedrick family plot at the Hardscrabble ranch where my Grandma T. and her brothers grew up, near Drain.  Their family had a house in town where they lived during the school year and Grandpa Ben held down the fort at the farm.

The farm was later sold, and is now a tree farm.  Around 30 years ago, my Aunt Sondy had to fight hard for our rights to visit the little cemetery once a year.  There is a law in Oregon where the family of the deceased can have access to the grave sites.  Now the people who own the farm leave the gate to the open on Memorial Day weekend so that we can come in to visit.  Thank you, nice people!

 My Great Grandpa Ben on the 
same ranch, a few years back.

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