
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Visit Central Oregon: Sunset on Paulina Lake, Oregon

Dear Sepia Saturday Friends ... I'm so sorry, I put in the wrong link bright and early this morning ... if you came to see the Septia Saturday Post, please click here:  Happy Birthday, Cary!

Thank you so very much for stopping by to visit!  This is a Watery Wednesday post.  I posted another watery post this morning too, and it is about Cougar Dam, on the McKenzie River near Blue River, Oregon.  Please scroll down to the post below, or CLICK HERE to see it.  For other beautiful water photos from around the world, please click on WATERY WEDNESDAY to see them after you are all done here at Oregon Gifts. 

Paulina Lake Sunset, Newberry Crater Oregon, 
Summer of 2010:

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

If you miss a day, you miss a lot!  Don't miss out on the news ... Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.


  1. Gorgeous shots!

    Watery Wednesday t my page, please come and see.

  2. Beautiful photos, as usual, Kathy!! And I see you've changed your blog layout again -- you always keep us on our toes! :)

  3. That is a really big, bright sun in the second and fifth photos!


    The seekers of water, they say,
    Like moisture in every which way—
    As ice or as snow
    And dewdrops that glow
    When sunshine peeks out for some play.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Pacific Coast

  4. Beautiful shots, Kathy!..Christine

  5. What lovely and serene photos.

  6. Thank you, everybody ... I'm glad that you enjoyed them. I'm off to visit you soon!

  7. A beautiful scene of peace and serenity. Looks like a spot to rest the soul.

    Mine is at:

  8. Wow - how pretty. great photos.
    Ladies of the grove


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