
Monday, August 1, 2011

The Week In Review in Pictures: July 25th - 31st

It was another busy week!  Oregon Gifts has officially surpassed 70,000 visitors and this is post #1392.  Yay!  Thanks so much for keep coming back to see what is happening in Mayberry, everybody.

We were visited by this big guy from across the street:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Did you know that antlers can grow between a 1/2" and an inch per day during antler growing season? 

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

We have enjoyed many visitors to our patio this week.  Birds, squirrels, hummingbirds, and our friend Louise from Utah:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

We took these photos on Saturday morning as Louise was leaving.  What a great lady she is.  Louise and Cary went to high school together and have kept in touch all these years.  Cary and I were still in our p.j.'s and that is why our hair is all bushed out, lol.

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Later that morning, we drove for 3 1/2 hours to my cousins Jen and Nash's wedding.  It was so wonderful!  I'm going to do a tablescape post on Thursday to show you more details, but wanted to include some people pictures right now:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews
The setting was delightful.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Jennifer was a beautiful and very serene bride on Saturday:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews
Congratulations, Jennifer and Nash!

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Brooklyn was a show stopper in her own right.

We had so much fun visiting with everybody:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

My daughters, Kari and Kristin

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Me, Cary, Mom and Nanny

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Me and my cousin Kristi

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Mom ~ Grandma Jody

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews


Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews


We stayed for around four hours and then turned around and came back home.  I laid low yesterday, read my book, talked to my BFF Nancy and rested.  I did some evaluating, and have decided that I need to move forward with my writing, as soon as possible.  I'm going to start with children's picture books and am thinking of using my photos to make educational resource materials.  Summer will be through before we know it, and I am anticipating a busy winter!

We'll see what this week brings.  I hope that you guys have a wonderful one!

Kathy M.

P.S. -  Here is the link to more about the wedding decorations and tablescape:  Country Wedding Tablescape

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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  1. Congrats on 70,000 visitors. Just think if each had left a dollar----
    What a beautiful bride and handsome groom and Brooklyn almost stole the show.
    Get working on that book, it won't write itself.

  2. Love your pics. The deer is so beautiful. I don't hold anything against anyone who hunts, but I know I could never shoot one of those creatures unless it was the way you did it...with a camera!

    Beautiful bride! What a gorgeous gown. I always cry at weddings and I would have boo-hooed at this one. Just lovely.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Ms. K, looks like you had a very busy day. You took very beautiful pictures again, the deer, the bride, your friend Louise, your family and the stellar of the day Brooklyn! Thanks for sharing and happy week days!

  4. Patti, thank you, and oh, I wish! That would help to pay off that dang student loan, lol. About the book(s), I know, I'm revving up! My plans are to get started now and then spend this winter really working on things, when there is snow on the ground and things are slow.

    Lisa, I'm write where you are with the deer. I don't even eat deer meat, but I'm sure that someday I will. Jen was so pretty, wasn't she? Serene and happy really were the other words to describe her, besides radiant and beautiful. It was a happy ceremony, but I did tear up when at the last minute Jen wanted her Mom to walk her down the isle too. How sweet!

    Hi Kim, THANK YOU!!! You pretty much summed it all up. It was a great week.

    I hope that you all have a wonderful week this week.



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