
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Some more about our 4th of July:

After the parade on Independence Day, Cary and I walked over to the midway in La Pine's Heritage Park and grabbed a bite to eat.  There were many available choices, but this place looked like a really good bet:

We both chose the Paulina Dog, and it was very good.

After visiting with friends and eating our food, we went to find my friend Bunny's booth.

This is my friend Bunny.  She is a go-getter, and you may remember her from the post about organizing the drive to purchase pet oxygen masks for the La Pine Fire Department.    

I especially love the purses and pot-holders that she makes.  Bunny recycles jeans for many of her creations.  I like shopping at her booth when I can, to stock up on gifts.  

I took these pictures last year:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Bunny at "Crafts by Bunny".   If you would like to buy anything that Bunny makes, her crafts email is:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

This year, Bunny has come with something new, these cute little purses made out of jean pockets:

I bought five of them.  One for each of my co-workers and one for myself.  They are just the right size for cell phones, keys, an ID and some money.  Too cute, and very reasonable, at $9.50 each.

I found these burlap bags last month at the Sunriver Country Store.  They are actually made for wine bottles, and are in the wine section for only $1.99 each.

I wrapped the purses in tissue paper, placed them at the bottom of the bag and then added more tissue paper on top.  Then, I added the red pretty tinsel.

After making the gift tags, I tied them with some more red ribbon at the wooden handles.  A nice little affordable gift of appreciation to my new friends, who are working so hard to create an awesome environment at our little school.  

I hope that they don't read my blog before tomorrow morning!

Yesterday, Cary and I went fishing out on the lake at Paulina with his brother Larry and our soon to be SIL, Karla.  The fish were biting, and the 6 hours of fishing flew by.  I got a lot of sun, but I didn't take one picture.  We sure did have a lot of fun.

This morning, we are going to head up and try to find us a good campsite, and then come back and hook up the 5th wheel.  It will be a fine way to wrap up this 4-day weekend.   I guess that I had better get off of this computer and get to work now though.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I have been posting like crazy this weekend, so please scroll down a bit so that you don't miss a thing.  Lisa Claro, I know that you especially will enjoy my Sepia Saturday post this week.  It is the kind of post that you like!

Bye for now,

~ Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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  1. Very cute little jean purses. A friend of mine makes the bigger ones, which of course I have. But I love the pocket one. Sweet of you to appreciate your co-workers by giving them one. Hope you had a nice 4th! Nice pics! I'll write soon!

  2. Those little purses are adorable! Love them. And I did enjoy your Sepia Saturday post. But then, I enjoy all your posts. :)

  3. It is nice to read and see your posts about life in your part of the world. I like the creative gifts, they are so cute.

  4. My hubby and I would like to try one of those lava dogs. please. It sounds like a weird, but wonderful, taste combo.

    Those jeans purses are really cute, and I'm sure your co-workers will be tickled with them.

  5. Hi Kathy, you made the right choice on that hot dog, those toppings sounded yummy. You're a sweetie taking gifts to all the girls at work and helping your friend at the same time. I'm happy that your 4th of July was fun, come visit and see how we spent ours.
    Stay Happy!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  6. That's an inventive use for jeans; recycling and fashion fusion! I bet your co-workers were pleased with their gifts.

  7. great pictures! ooh and that hotdog looks yummy!

  8. The purses are cute , and practical. Recycling at its' best.

    Fishing, I wanna go fishing ! :( But you got to fish and I can't think of a better way to spend a sunny summer day than fishing with people you love.

  9. The gifts are so neat and I love how you wrapped them. Does my heart good to see you sheltering your friends! I always smile when I see others shelter...I know God must smile, too.


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